GRIP Food Containers:
Savor the Flavor, Save the Planet!


GRIP collection

Embark on a culinary journey like never before with deSter’s GRIP, a revolutionary food packaging collection designed for the dynamic, mobile lifestyle of today. We’ve reimagined food containers to seamlessly blend first-class portability with an unwavering commitment to sustainability, creating the ultimate stage for your delectable meals.

Our GRIP collection is more than just a convenient way to transport your food; it’s a conscious choice towards a greener tomorrow. Imagine a world where every bite you take contributes to the well-being of our planet – that’s the essence of GRIP.

Our Collection

Unique product design

GRIP is a table-ready concept, providing the ultimate stage for your culinary creations. With a sleek aesthetic, GRIP food containers seamlessly integrate into any dining setting, transforming ordinary meals into extraordinary presentations. Its intuitive design, featuring a secure locking mechanism and spill-resistant features, enhances every aspect of your dining experience.

A sustainable choice

Crafted from bagasse, a renewable and plant-based material, GRIP food containers not only embody sustainability but also offer a distinct, subtle natural look and feel. This collection stands as a testament to deSter’s dedication to minimizing environmental impact. Additionally, GRIP provides versatility in lid options, allowing businesses to further tailor their sustainability efforts. Whether opting for a bagasse lid, a cellulose-based window lid, or a 100% recycled PET (R-PET) lid, you can be sure you embrace sustainability in style.

Mix and match

GRIP food containers redefine versatility with their unparalleled flexibility, allowing you to seamlessly mix and match containers with various lids to suit diverse needs. These containers, designed for a dynamic lifestyle, are not only spill-proof but also microwave-safe, ensuring convenience without compromising on functionality.

Make it your own

Elevate your signature dish to unforgettable heights by choosing from a range of customization methods, including stickers, printing, embossing, and banderole. GRIP empowers businesses to showcase their individuality and brand identity, ensuring that each meal is not just a culinary delight but also a visual feast that leaves a lasting impression. With a commitment to flexibility and creativity, GRIP becomes a canvas for businesses to express their brand personality, making every dining experience a memorable one.

Discover more

Request samples

Hooked on the idea but want to see the product with your own eyes and feel it with your own hands? No problem, we are happy to send you our sample box so you can make sure your decision is the right one.

GRIP product sheet

Want to learn more about our collection? Use the link below to explore GRIP, and available options for materials, sizes, colors, and more.

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Fill in the form via the link below if you want to receive additional information on the product. Don’t miss the opportunity to get your food noticed!